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About Us

We are Fire Play enthusiasts, artists, content creators, and kinksters
sharing our art & skill with the world.


  First let’s dispel the notion that fire play is about pain. Fire Play is not about inflicting pain, unless that is desired by the bottom. It is about sensuality, vulnerability, and deep trust & connection.

It is Erotic without being necessarily sexual.

Jericho and Chrissy-1.jpg

  When we first started producing content of our own fire play sessions, we were amazed at how little content was available on the web. We decided to make it our mission to change that.

After stumbling a bit and getting banned from a few places where our content was viewed, we decided to go a different route with this and build

We felt called to provide a place where we can share Fire Play Education, Safety Protocols, Tools & Equipment, and Fire play Content like you've rarely ever seen or will never see anywhere else.

 And we decided that should be more than just the kink side of playing with fire.

So we decided to include Flow Arts and Fire Photography, since we are also passionate about those art forms as well.

We are by no means the experts of Fire play. There are a million ways to play with fire, and we know a few. If you are another fire player, yours may be completely different and that's ok. Risk profiles very pretty widely in the BDSM community. That said, we'd love your feedback.

🔥🔥🔥(Please don’t attempt this without proper training and safety protocols.

We are very well trained professionals.) 🔥🔥🔥

Who are we?


Fire Top/Bottom/Safety


Trip entered the  BDSM world in 2021 and was immediately drawn to Fire Play.

After graduating from Fire Play class in 2023, he and his partner Whimsical_wish have been performing together bi-weekly since at Festivals, Parties, Private Gatherings and Public events. Also we do some phenomenal Fire Photography!

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Kristen Beach shot 02_edited.jpg

Fire Top/Bottom/Safety


She's been lit up many, many times and is game for just about anything. She has been a solid Safety Spotter for hundreds of sessions, and has started a bit of Fire topping.

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